First time using opks- helllp 😭

My husband and I have been trying for basically a year, but this is my first cycle trying to use opks. I didn’t use them before because they seemed so complicated and basically I just have a lot of feelings right now

I waited a long time because my cycles are SUPER irregular and I wasn’t sure that I even DO ovulate. It never used to be like this, my cycles were always spot on 30 days but I had to go on the pill for other reasons in high school and just came off it when we started ttc. I expected my hormones to be out of whack for a bit but nothing like this. I’ve been getting AF TWICE a month for like the last 5 months and it’s so disheartening. Every time around my fertile window. It’s not mid cycle spotting I don’t think, because it lasts as long as AF does.

I took a couple opks around my fertile window this time, not really sure what I was doing, and much to my excitement I got what I think is a positive!! I took one after 2 days just to see the difference.. it looked the same. I took another today. It still looks the same, and I just started “spotting”/ bleeding. I just feel so disheartened. My doctor doesn’t have any openings until April and I’m already on a waiting list. I just want to give up. I don’t know why the lines aren’t changing or going down or if I should count myself out this month or not 😭

Anyways, I’ll attach a picture of the test in question. It’s just one of the cheap ones from amazon. If it is indeed positive, should I try to BD tonight? Does anyone else with mid cycle bleeding know if you still ovulate or can even get pregnant when you’re bleeding?? It’s definitely supposed to be my fertile window and NOT AF yet.

TL;DR: having trouble with opks. Is this positive? Got same lines 3 days in a row and just started spotting/bleeding mid cycle