safe place?


okay ladies, so this is a safe place right? we’re all friends here... so lets share something in the comments about something that has happened in our lives and how we feel about it, no one knows anyone, so no one has the right to judge. I’ll go first: so recently i lost my job due to it being seasonal, therefore i had to get another job.. but it’s so hard to find jobs these days, so i had to settle for a lower paying job (which isn’t a problem just a big difference haha). my first day was today and it’s something that i really just hate doing.. i’ve never felt like this about a job. i don’t like what i do and i know it’s only the first day, so give it time... that’s what i’m gonna do. but what am i gonna do if i don’t like it and it just makes me miserable? i was diagnosed with major depression in 2016. and if i’m somewhere, where i’m not happy, i’m afraid I’ll go into slump and that can’t happen bc i can’t go down that road again.. so i guess my question is here, what do i do.. it’s a win or lose situation it feels like.