TR • Mom🌺Wife🥀Stepmom🌹TTC 🌈

I love the this <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> and I'm a premium member. But I can't ever seem to get the opks to scan. So I have downloaded a fertility test analyzer that has helped me tremendously try to figure out how pink is pink enough!! I take the results from that and manually enter it into glow so that all the correct info is in this app. The more info you give, the better the predictions. And glow was spot on for me this month. As you can see though, my surges are usually quick, so I need to start testing around day 7-8. Once you start seeing around 50%, test at least twice per day and pay more attention to your CM. Mine went from the cloudy fertile type to the egg white clear in a matter of hours.

* If you download the app and use it..... When taking your pictures, place the test on a white backdrop, turn the flash ON, and get as close as you can to the strip for a clearer and more accurate picture.

Just select the closest one to the test you took and voila!

Good luck ladies!!