Ladies with a tubal ligation ➰

So I’m 27 and got my tubes tied three years ago after my third son was born. Lately I’ve been fatigue, and nauseous, certain smells make me sick, and even food, tender breast, abdominal and vaginal pain occasionally. Crazy part is I’ve had my period. After my period about two weeks later I bled for about a day I thought it was weird seeing how I already had my period. Then five days later I spotted. I’m very confused but like I said not too alarmed because I had my period. Has anyone else gotten there tubes tied and experience anything like this?! Really just curious because I am unsure of what women go through after having a tubal. About a month and a half ago I had swelling below my c section scar and it was very painful but ultrasounds came back negative. Anyway any little thing is helpful I tend to freak out fairly quickly so I’d rather hear from a few more ladies to see. And before anyone says it I plan on going to the doctor next week to be seen because I am miserable feeling like this. T.I.A 😌