Has Zumba helped anyone loose weight?

KK • A busy momma of 4 👶🏼. who works hard 💉. Is a travel feen. loves ☕️ , 💪🏼 🏋🏼‍♀️and her 2 😻. While loosing sleep to spend endless hours on glow. 💁🏼‍♀️

So I recently just started back at the gym. After having my 3rd baby. I usually do cardio and hitt with light 8 - 12lb weights. I haven’t really noticed a difference in my body or weight. However I do Zumba on Tuesday and Thursdays and I burn way more calories in one hour of Zumba than I do with my normal workout routine. Anyway I was curious to see if Zumba has helped anyone loose weight? It would be way easier for me and my kids schedule if I just did the Zumba classes twice a week and the other days do it at home.