So confused. Help!

Lisa • Mama to Grayson Ryan born 6/2/16. Angel baby lost to ectopic pregnancy on 3/13/19. Rainbow due 3/23/20🌈

So my husband and I have been ttc baby #2 for a little over a year now. This last cycle I was so confident it was our month. On January 24th we left with my family for Disney World so i took a test that morning but it was bfn. That night I had a tiny amount of pink spotting. The next day the same thing. Half way through the 26th my period started bright red blood, the next morning it had tapered off then that night I had a bit more bright red blood. After that I had 2 days of light brown spotting and then it was done. The past few days I’ve just been feeling pregnant and extra weepy but have put it out of my mind since I had my period. Well today on a whim I took a cheapie pregnancy test and got a faint line so I waited a few hours and took a frer and got a definite positive. So my question is if the bleeding I had last week was a miscarriage would I still be getting a bfp? I’m just convinced it isn’t going to end well but have been reading success stories of women experiencing the same thing. Any advice or similar stories would’ve appreciated!