Pregnant or miscarriage —- terrified!


Hi all! It’s my first time posting on here. I hope all you ladies are doing well. I don’t want to make this a book long, so long story short —

I was 2 days late on my period, so I went ahead and took a pregnancy test on Wednesday (1/30). It came out positive and my bf and I were over the moon about it! That same day I took another (just to confirm), and it also came out positive. Yesterday morning I took another and it was positive as well. However, earlier today I went to the bathroom and noticed there was slight bleeding. I automatically became alarmed. Prior to that I wasn’t feeling too well. I felt (and still feel) very nauseous and have bad cramping, lower back pain and a really bad headache. I got home and the first thing I did was take another test. It still came back positive, but this time the line was a lot fainter. Also, the bleeding got heavier and darker and I’m worried I may be experiencing a miscarriage?

Someone please help!

Thank you in advance 🙏🏼