Which is worse?

Endillion • 32. Mother x2. RN. Pagan.

And why?

What's your worst entitled parent or kid story btw?

I had a kid who was maybe 6 run through my ICU so he could stuff his pockets with random shit in the storage area. Where there's everything from sharp objects to chemicals in glass bottles. Not to mention on metal shelves that could tip on him if he climbed up them I bet. His grandfather was a patient and you know what his parents reaction was to him being grabbed and searched by a very old pulmonologist and two staff members? To scream about them being in his personal space like they had molested him in front of everyone. Then after a bunch of argument and threatening to give us 'bad reviews'......

asking if he could just have something to play with FROM THE SAME AREA. We gave him a blanket and pill cups to stack. Which he didn't like.

OMG we are underpaid for this shit.

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