Feeling pressure to loose my virginity


I'm 16 and I started dating my first boyfriend a month ago. From now, the farthest we went is him caressing my crotch through my pants. Idk if I'm ready for more. Right now, he doesn't seem like the kind who would try to convince me to go further even if I don't want. But at the same time I know he is ready (he already had sex) and I feel that he would want a blowjob or something but just doesn't tell me.

I just feel a little lost and it is making me anxious about having sex. Maybe it's just bc it's soon in the relationship and the answers will just come to me naturally with time but rn I feel insecure.

I would like to discuss those things with a girl but I don't have an older sister and only one of my friend lost her virginity. But then she had sex for the first time after a month with her bf and the relationship ended 2 weeks or so after. I'm not jugging her and I totally support her in her choice just bc she doesn't regret anything and that's what is important. But bc we seem really different I don't feel like talking with her would help. It's the only exemple of a relationship I have so I sometimes feel like I should soon loose my viginity?

I know I shouldn't push myself but at the same time idk what is consider "too long" of a waiting.