11 weeks and bleeding today - Updated - baby’s perfect! ❤️❤️❤️

Dani • 🐻❤🐶🐶 Proud mama bear - 💙Adrian born 11/08/2019

😞 I was so sure this little jellybean was going to be my sticky rainbow, but this morning while making breakfast i felt a sudden gush, ran to the bathroom and there was dark blood in my underwear. Bleeding stopped in a few minutes time, and it’s been on and off since, not a huge amount, not even close to filling a pad, but enough to have me very worried about the little bean. Went to the hospital, they took a lot of blood to run all kinds of tests but unfortunately I couldn’t get a scan till tomorrow morning at 11:00. Now i’m on bed rest and just trying to hold on to faith. I’ve had two scans till now, one at 5w4d and one at 9 weeks, both of them good, at the last one baby had a strong heart beat and measured on track. I don’t know what to think, i’m not having cramps, no pain in my abdomen, only this bleeding, little bit every couple of hours or so. I’m scared for my tiny rainbow. Has anyone else gone through this and had their baby be safe and sound in the end? 😥