
I'm pregnant with my boyfiends baby. We've been together for 3 years. Ive been having so many emotions. I know this sounds weird but i don't really like having sex, I have no viable reason I don't really know why. When I go over to his house he always wants to do something not sex cause doctor said we couldn't because of a short cervix. But he wants to do anal or grind or masterbate while I'm there and if I say no he gets mad because I NEVER want to but i cant help it its like i have no sex drive whatsoever.. And I end up feeling bad because I just don't. He even thought I was cheating because I never wanted to hang out because i was scared he would want to do stuff. He says im ignoring his needs because I never do anything at all even little stuff.

Am I weird is this even normal I get anxiety even thinking about sex or sexual stuff.