Weight gain?


So reading through some posts, I see a lot of women who have gains 25lbs and their doctors told them it was too much. I have gain 34lbs at 34 weeks and my doctor says my weight is good/nothing to worry about. I workout 5 times a week, walking/jogging and strength training. I ran a marathon a week before I got pregnant. With my first pregnancy I gained almost 60lbs, and in a year I was back down to almost my pre-pregnancy weight and then got pregnant again. I've eaten healthier this time and worked out smarter. I gained more weight early in in this pregnancy, but so far less overall. I struggle so much with doctors telling us we have gained too much weight/etc. Every body and pregnancy is different. I get it that they are concerned about people not being healthy, but just because you're gaining more weight that you "should" or than others doesn't mean you're unhealthy and just eating pizza and ice cream and giving in to all your cravings.