Train your husbands lol

Sprinkles Mom • #1 💙 03/19/19 #2 EDD 03/19/21

This is meant to be a funny post so let's not get knickers in a twist lol but seriously some ladies need to get their man in shape hehe

I cant believe how many 'terrible SO' I see being talked and complained about...

AND to top it all off the women still wait on their man hand and foot 😱

Pro tip... stop doing for them and maybe they will begin to see just how much you do!

One tip I have is being in a relationship isn't 50/50... its 100/100... both sides need to give it their all!

Demand that hubby takes on some wife duties, and you take on some hubby duties. Sometimes some chorea are just for the man... be others just for the women but make those darn men step up!

When I met my 'man baby' 5 years ago he was into video games, working some meaningless job... basically lost... now he is the perfect husband (and I say that laughing cause no one is perfect) but we have a perfect working team.

We share the duties of the inside and outside of the home... we HELP each other and are happy to help each other.

It isnt a fight when something needs to be done...

Start with a simple schedule and add to it.

What worked for me was laying out which nights he would cook (started off with 2 a week)... he would help pick what he wanted to make and get the supplies (now he is a better cook than me).

Also every weekend we have 'power hour' which means we tackle the household chores... we get the whole house done top to bottom. In the summer we also do the out doors together...

I dont think men always know how much it takes to run a household... start making them do things and he will learn.

We have turned grocery shopping into a date... we sit down and make a list - check recipes out together - grab a coffee on the way... he loves having a say - took time but now he is happy to come bc it's part or routine and they soon realise that the can have a say.

It can be done ladies! Dont expect anything less than a PARTNER who truly is happy to help!