I’m pregnant but for how long?


So I found out 1/31 I am expecting what could be my rainbow baby.(Has chemical at 5 weeks in dec)

I got a faint line Thursday and was SHOCKED cause I tested 5 days before af and got a bfn on both line and digital.

I took another digital and another line Thursday and line was very faint and digital took forever to read positive.

I called my ob and they said test Monday and if your still pregnant we will get you in here for a blood quant.

I couldn’t wait so made an appt with my primary for Friday. Got my blood drawn and said I would have results on quant Monday morning.

So that put me at waiting allll weekend.

Saturday I woke up at 3 am and took a test.

To my surprise STRONG bfp.

Took another test this morning and I swear my test was negative for 1min and 20 seconds then the second line slowly faded in. It was very faint. I’ll post pic below. After 2 more mins it darkened some but not as strong as my positive the day before. My symptoms have decreased and I have lower back pain. And I have the lost the general sense of just “feeling” pregnant. I’ve cried for days since I found out cause I just can’t be happy. I can’t feel any joy. All I feel is unmeasurable amounts of fear.

I will post pics of tests below.

My question should I went with what the test said at 1min20 sec which was almost negatjve(hcg is declining) or should I got with what it said two mins later which was still faint?

I’m almost 5 weeks and still getting faints. I am terrified

First 1min20sec reading

3 min 20 second reading

Bottom is Saturday’s test

Above is Friday test

This very faint one is from 5 days before missed period on FRRR