Implantation bleeding question!


Does this sound anything like implantation bleeding? I've looked at the chart that shows the difference between AF and IB and I feel stuck in the middle. Friday night (8ish dpo) I felt an all of a sudden cramp for about 2 hours and it went away. I went to the bathroom afterwards and notice bright light red very light spotting with 1 tiny clot. Ever since then I've been spotting and it's still bright red and not dark at all but no clots. It's only when I wipe because I've wore panty liners and nothing are even getting on them. I'm not even cramping other then the 2 hours on Friday. AF isnt suppose to start until the 9th and usually with AF I have very heavy flow with lots of clots and cramps. I've read IB can vary depending on the woman. AF is usually on time every time, maybe a day early or late at most.