🤦🏼‍♀️crazy POAS lady.

Hayden • Mother to a beautiful little girl 🎀 and an angel 👼

So last week Friday I bought a huge box of ovulation strips. The very first one was positive. I kept testing and eventually got a negative. Great. Two days later it was positive again. Negative the next day. I took one yesterday for fun... and it’s positive again. I know for a fact these are true positives. The test line is as dark or darker. I am breastfeeding so my cycle hasn’t returned... but had a strange dip in milk supply for about a day and a half and then it went back to normal. I’ve also had mild heartburn even though the ONLY time I’ve ever had it was when I was pregnant. Haven’t had it since my daughter was born. I also felt sick to my stomach after breakfast the other day. I took a couple internet cheapie pregnancy tests and swear I saw a super super barely there faint line. I took a FRER yesterday and today and again.. I swear I saw something. It’s so faint you need to have the exact right lighting, have the test tilted just right... the whole crazy deal In order to see it. I posted the test on the faint lines group. About half saw it. Half didn’t. Now I’m starting to think I’m just going nuts. I’ve heard positive ovulation tests can detect pregnancy. I know not To rely on that... but it’s just strange I continue getting positives. I know it’s a long shot but has anyone been in a similar situation? Or have any advice??

My positive ovulation test from


My super faint, look just right and you may see it line.