Next step to take?


We’re trying to decide what route to go next.

We’ve been trying unsuccessfully for the past year and a half when we went to see a fertility specialist. After testing, it was shown that we would have a 1% chance of successful pregnancy with <a href="">IVF</a>. I knew it’d be low but wasn’t expecting that.

They couldn’t give a percentage for <a href="">IUI</a> since there weren’t enough patients to compare us to. I’m sure it’s low as well.

We think we’ll keep trying until I turn 43 this summer. Do we just keep trying naturally since it’s no-cost? Or do we try a round or two of <a href="">IUI</a> just to see? They said it’s around $500 each try, which is still a chunk of money but nothing compared to <a href="">IVF</a>. I’m not sure if it’d just be a waste though since our percentages are so low.

Feeling pretty hopeless. Anyone have thoughts or similar experiences?