Am i a bad mom?vent

So last night at 3am my daughter (6months old) decided to wake up and have play time I cried because I was so tired..since the day she was born I've been taking care of her by myself her dad is in the picture he just NEVER helps his excuse is "well he works" on his days off he just sleeps so anyway yeah I cried he heard and said I was crazy and a bad mom,he said I'm scaring him and now he thinks IMA kill our child (his words) lord forbid I get tired or feel overwelmed ima FTM who's doing it all alone I don't shower when I want cuz if I'm out to f sight she cries I take her in with me and within 5mins she just wantse to hold her so I gotta make my shower quick,if he gets home and the house is a mess IMA piece of shit who is lazy..I can't leave cuz we have no where to go and I know him and his family will fight for custody and make my life hell...honestly I never wanted a kid because I knew our relationship was trash but he got me pregnant anyways.because of my uncle she has clothes,a crib and most of her stuff.if she wants a toy or I see a cute item she needs,or wants,if she needs medicine or I need postnatals I have to steal it..(I know its wrong but I have no money and if I want to work I have to pay and find a sitter cuz he's useless)..and his family buys diapers and wipes we don't even live with them a week ago I told him she needed more wipes and yesterday she ran out of them I've been using paper towels.. He wastes the money on drugs (he's addicted to opiets) he does pay rent but that's all we never have food and honestly if she wasn't breastfed she's probably be out of formula.. But I'm the bad mom for crying because I'm tired💔