Update from my issue last night

I don’t know how I managed to make this make as much sense as it does. But I was so not okay last night and I’m convinced it was a panic attack. I’m having issues with my insurance and can’t just go see a doctor right away. I went to sleep and woke up idk when but I woke up moaning and groaning, sat up and I was about to barf on my boyfriend. My stomach hurt so bad. I threw myself off the bed and ran to the bathroom and puked. It took everything to make it to the toilet. I still feel nauseas. But I’m not “messed up” today. I feel like I got hit by a truck. I literally feel hungover. I’m so worried about myself.

Before the thought comes to anyone, I’m not pregnant. I’m on my period. Which just makes all of this worse. I’m hoping I can fix my stupid insurance and see a doctor but I’m actually scared to go. I’m scared of what I might find out and I’m scared of being blown off.