I feel like the worst momma ever😭8

So I passed out last night/early AM burping my 1 month old on my chest/stomach laying in bed at about 4am so he must've rolled off at 8am which is when I woke up to him scream/crying in fear he had rolled off me and rolled down bed to the crack between my bed and hos playpen so he was laying between them (which is odd he because its like he did a 180 degree turn before falling) but honestly if playpen wasn't there he would have fell to the floor instead. I still feel awful. He is acting himself but still may go to doctor. No head bumps at all just feel like a bad momma that gotta get him checked to relieve my nerves 😭😭😭 God was watching over my little one this morning 👐

Update: took him to doctor office who thought he fell onto floor but in end doctor said he seems fine. But stupid me has to be on google and read about internal bleeding or a subdural hematoma or whatever. I'm just watching my baby like a hawk now. Still feel like a bad momma 😔