House smoke damage

So my stubborn husband burned rice on the stove. We were upstairs and I told him something smelled off. He didn’t listen and said it was fine. Well he eventually went downstairs to check the rice on the stove. The whole bottom of the House was essentially filled with smoke. He had taken the smoke detector OFF the wall because when he started cooking it’s really sensitive and went off easily. I always tell him NOT to do that. So no alarm went off. I came downstairs and the entire bottom of the pot was black. The burner malfunctioned and although it was set on low it was red like it was actually on a much higher temperature. So the whole time it was being cooked at a temp way over what it should. He also used a lid that he just sat on top of the pot that was too big because he couldn’t find the lid compatible for the pot. Even though I told him where it was. Or maybe the smoke would have been more contained under a sealed lid.

Ok. So. We aired the house out. Wiped down all the walls. Sprayed things. It’s been acouple days. And when you enter the house the smell is STRONG. Smells like smoke. Not cigarette smoke. Like something burned smoke. My house basically smells stained with smoke damage. I can’t figure out how to get this smell out. Please ANYONE have any ideas? It almost makes me sick to my stomach.