Relationship break down

Really long list alert..

Well basically me an my partner have been with each other since October 2015, I fell pregnant Feb last year and have my beautiful baby girl 24 nov 18..

Me and my partner have had our problems but we have always worked our way through them and where ok again, his problems where drugs.. he was sober for a good while but The odd time relapsed but always got back on track again. Once our little girl came 10 weeks ago we where so inlove with her! But ofcourse then he started to want to smoke cannabis again, now don't get me wrong I don't mind cannabis at all but said to him as long as he smokes it after 8pm at night so then he isn't stoned during the day, but then at Xmas he kept asking to smoke it earlier and earlier, well anyway we where ok there for a while but now we have just went down hill! I asked him to mind our little girl while I went on a night out with my girlfriend's but he refused and said his mum will mind her as he wanted to go out too. I said ok that's fine. Then on Friday night there I had planned for days and my partner knew about this that I was going to go out to her house have a wee drink & munchies he was going to mind her. Then when I was half way out the door he said I'll be smoking a joint while I have her, I don't allow him to smoke it in the house so either he was going to smoke it in the house with her or take her out in the freezing cold. I dropped my jacket and said right that's it I'm not going. On Saturday night I left to go to my mum's to stay with little one and I didn't hear anything from him, then he text on Sunday after noon asking how our daughter was. I said she was fine and then he said are u staying up in your mum's tonight because I'm heading out here, (it's his place I moved in with him and had our daughter) we have always had fights as I asked him to put my name on rent book he did ask but have to do something haven't got round to yet to annoying to get into Lol, anyway I stayed at my mum's then on Sunday no word from him he was obv1our drinking and smoking cannabis with his mates. Anyway today I came home with little one no sign off him, then he comes wandering In at 7 o'clock stinking off drink and doesn't even ask how little one is or even were she is and just walks into the bedroom and does his own thing! I am furious !! He is getting on like an asshole! I have my name on the list to get my own place with our daughter because I just can't take this. It's like he wants me to be chained to kitchen sink and look after our daughter he wonr let me go out or even mind our daughter while I have a break! Would be better of a single parent. Anyway as I say have my name down on the list waiting a home off my own and i just need to stick it out with him, he's so immature! To immature to be a father anyway. I have broke it off with him.