‼️Young and dumb...need advice‼️

So I’m 19 and my boyfriend is 20 and we’re thinking of getting a place together. He just got a manager position over his own retail store and will be making around 40,000. I have a small diner job I just started and I make around 4,000 a year (if I stick with my starting pay rate, but I will likely get more hours soon and I have 3 pay raises lined up this year). My boyfriend has his own car and truck but I have no vehicle. He has his own camper at his parents house and I still live with my parents. How can I get my life together? I don’t feel like I’m in a good position to start living life😂 It could be worse, I could live under a bridge and have no job, but I want to be well off in the future because I do want to have kids before my mid 20s. Any life/life/general advice??