Starting to pump at 6 months?

A • 🇨🇦 Baby boy ~ August 2018 💚

So my son has been breastfed on demand since he was born 6 months ago. I've never pumped and he's never had a bottle. We haven't had any problems at all. I'd like to continue breastfeeding until 1 year at least.

I'm considering pumping and freezing some milk for him to drink in a cup after he's weaned. After he's 1, I don't think I'll want to keep nursing directly because I think I'd like my body to myself again. But breast milk is so good for him and I'd like to give him that nutrition for longer if possible.

We don't eat dairy for a number of reasons so I don't ever plan to give him cow's milk. Another reason why I'm considering starting a freezer stash.

So I guess I'm looking for some advice. How would I go about starting to pump now? When would I pump? After he nurses? For how long and how often? Would a manual pump be good enough? Which brand? How long would it take for my supply to increase with pumping?

Thanks for any tips you all can provide!