Too many??

My husband and I currently have 4 cats of our own and since my mother lives with us we also have her cat. My husband and I also have a Great Dane and I have a leopard gecko.

I recently bought a yak for my gecko that I thought was a 20 gallon tank. It turns out that it’s a 50 gallon. They need a minimum of 20 gallons so this tank is actually 10 gallons over the recommended space for 2 geckos. I told my husband I would like to get a second gecko for the take since they aren’t an expensive pet and a 50 gallon tank is simply too large for just 1 gecko. I’ve been doing my research on it.

My Great Dane is also a very social dog breed and it is recommended to have another dog with a Dane because they are so social. There is no dog park in my area so socializing her that way is not an option for us. My friends and neighbors do have dogs, but they are all small breeds. She needs another large dog to play with. So I told my husband I would also like to get 1 more dog.

I also would not have 4 cats except that 2 of them I rescued from death as kittens.

I am the one that cares for the pets. My husband does not do anything with them. He will once in a great while feed the cats or the dog. He will also occasionally let the dog outside. 98% of the time I am the one doing all of the work with the animals. I think I am being pretty fair. He gets so much stuff that he wants, especially since we bought our home and all I want to do with my life is do stuff with animals. I also want to open a non profit no kill shelter. Saving and loving animals is my biggest passion in life. He knew this marrying me and never once told me he did not feel the same. He told me he wanted these pets too.

Do you think it’s too many??

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