How long did your induction last as a FTM? & did you get to delivery vaginally?

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6 hours, pushed for 15 minutes.


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Like 25 hours... you’re first can be the trickiest. I’ve had 2 other inductions and they lasted maybe 6 hours.


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52 hours. Born vaginally but I was willing to take any route by day 2. Horrible experience for me. Only induced because he was face up and causing so much pain I was unable to walk or sleep or do anything but vomit because of how much pain I was in. He was born day after his due date.


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Induction started at 7pm, my baby was born vaginally at 8:16 am the next morning. I had an epidural but no pitocin. They inserted the cervix softening pill to start the induction and that was enough for my body to take over and handle the rest. Overall it was a super positive, super smooth, wonderful experience.


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5-5 1/2 hours


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started around 10AM and had baby by 8AM the next day. so almost 24 hours. water broke on it's own at 7pm, and yes I delivered naturally.


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Started pitocin at 6 P.M. and babygirl was out by 2 A.M. I had already been at 5 cm. For two weeks so it went pretty fast. However, I really wished I could have labored by myself


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22 hrs before my csection was needed.


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From start to finish my induction was 8 hours. 3 pushes to get him out. ☺️


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Started induction at 12:30pm Friday delivered 6:20am Saturday. Vaginal birth no complaints,