Is he stalking me?

I met this guy through fb at the time I was having issues with my ex and I found comfort in this guy.. he sweet talked me and I just enjoyed talking to him. This went on & off for a year and I only hung out with him twice we went out for drinks and nothing more happened. During that time the mother of his kid would constantly message me and that was one reason why we spoke on & off cause I hate drama. He told me he was done with her and she was just crazy until she finally told me she was pregnant and was calling me all these names... I cut ties with him immediately. I deleted him off social media and told him to delete my number at first he begged but I didn’t pay any attention to it. Now every time I change my profile picture he does it too. Every time I change a quote in my bio he changes it up to almost mines but twists a couple words.. he’s constantly posting sad quotes which makes me think it’s about me... am I thinking too much of this? It’s been almost 2 months since I cut him off..