Marriage advice.

I just want advice and also to know how many married couples would be ok with letting their husband go to a wedding in Dominican Republic(I couldn’t go because I’m to preggo , leaving on Valentine’s Day for 7 days when their wife will be 35 weeks pregnant and have to take care of a 2yo by her self? I’m honestly feeling a way because I’m already a stay at home mom and don’t rlly do much as it is when it comes to my personal life but I’m just confused as to should I be more at myself for not doing much in my life or at him for not being sensitive enough to say he’ll pass because my wife can’t go or what if she gives birth early or being prego & having to take care of a toddler would be too much for her for a whole week!

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Posted at
Not when you’re 35 weeks! Anything can happen. Plus having a toddler and pregnant.... that would be a NO from me.
Not when you’re 35 weeks! Anything can happen. Plus having a toddler and pregnant.... that would be a NO from me.


Joy • Feb 5, 2019
My advice would be to talk to your hubby. It’s pretty reasonable that he should stay and be with you. Keep us updated!


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Unless the wedding is a sibling no I wouldn’t. If you weren’t pregnant that’s one thing but that’s super close to due date. I don’t get why he’d even want to go 🤷🏼‍♀️ Do you have family or friends who could stay with you while your gone?


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I don’t care who is getting married, i would be furious!!!


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I'd be upset you're 35 weeks pregnant anything can happen that far along


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#1 my husband and I wouldn't go anywhere away without each other unless it's something like a funeral for example and he couldn't get off work and I needed to go.#2 no husband should be going away from their wife so close to her giving birth.

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Depends whose wedding it is but I feel like immediate family trumps all else and I’d be really hurt and angry if my husband did that.


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I’d be upset too if it were my husband. But then again, in reality he wouldn’t go if I were 35 weeks pregnant because anything can happen during these last weeks of pregnancy and my husband knows that so he’d refuse to go. On top of that, we also have a 17 month old and my husband knows that I stress a lot when it comes to being a SAHM, so he wouldn’t just ditch me. I think your husband better stay home with you and your 2 yr old.


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35 weeks with a toddler then him being out of the country. Girl nah tell him he can’t go BUT IN REALITY he should have enough common sense not to want to go 🤦🏻‍♀️


Posted at
Thanks guys for the advice. Nice to know I’m not crazy for feeling this way. I’m becoming a firm believer that men and women speak 2 different languages.
Thanks guys for the advice. Nice to know I’m not crazy for feeling this way. I’m becoming a firm believer that men and women speak 2 different languages.


Posted at
I feel like you are intentionally leaving out whose wedding it is. It really should be fine, unless you are high risk or something. Perhaps he can just stay for the wedding and not a full week of you are nervous about it.