You have 2 dogs and they are cute smart loyal their only problem is that they wont stop barking no matter what you do and things get worse when you leave the house so as your neighbors are """ so nice"" they tell you to do something about it or they will take care of it you know that means they might do something bad to your dogs or tell the landlord to kick you out that woudnt be a problem if it wasnt so hard to find a renting place wich is almost impossible where you live so you get to 3 solutions .

1 get a surgery for your dogs so they stop barking its cruel and you really dont want to do it but it would fix the problem.

2. Give them up for adoption cuz you really dont have anyone who could take care of your dogs but you really dont want to cuz they are the happines of your house and you love them so much.

3. Try to find a new house which is almost impossible and probably waaay too far from your work and risk having the same problem again with your neighbors

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