Guest room turning into nursery

Anna • *Mummy of 3 baby angels ( first loss Aug 2018, second loss with twins Jan 2019) after IFV treatment; 2 chemical pregnancy. Waiting for my rainbow baby. 🤰😇🌈

Hi there.

Not pregnant but went to my secound misscarriage just 3 weeks ago.

Started painting nursery in June when I find out I was pregnant with my first after

<a href="">IVF</a>

treatment. Lost baby in August and stoped the painting. Got pregnant again begining of December and lost it 3 weeks ago but continue to paint.

Slowly my guest room that was supposed to be baby room si turning into a nursery without a baby. My husband is very supporting and loves the way is turning out. Actualy, I had a moment when I wanted to paint it all over and he said that painting everyting will be like giving up to our dream of a baby. 😍

The house is made with chalk paint and it is perfect for drawing.

Still have to add my 3 corner shelves painted in brown on the tree to turn it in a book shelf.

Also have more ideas to add on such an elephant bean bag chair under the tree, a monkey wall clock on the tree, paint a zebra walking on the sofa, add a zoo table lamp.

When time to come I want a changing table with mirror on the wall so baby can look while changing.

Where the clouds are it will be the baby cot and hanging on the moon will be a shelf/swing where I will put baby name on.

Pffff. Very excited as it keeps my mind busy from the pain in my heart and gives me hopes for the future.

No matter how long the baby will take to arrive this room will be waiting for he or she!! 😍