Help! 4 month old (almost 5) waking every 2 hours!!!! NEED advice...DESPERATE!!!

My baby used to wake up only once a night to feed. This past month has been HORRIBLE. He is waking every 2-2.5 hours and will NOT go back to sleep until I feed him. On the weekends when my husband helps, when the baby wakes up all he does is give him the soother, and then he falls right back to sleep. Last weekend we tried it and he only woke up ONCE to feed.

Whenever he goes to my parents house it’s the same thing. He wakes up crying for his soother, but only wakes up once to feed. But with me it’s every 2 hours!!!! I’m completely EXHAUSTED. I’m starting work soon I don’t know what to do. He will be 5 months next week.

He will fall asleep in my arms no problem, but if it’s not in a deep enough sleep by the time I put him down (which is what I’ve been trying to do) he will open his eyes and be wide awake and most of the time will cry. But will rub his I know he’s tired!!

Any suggestions/advice for this tired first time mama!! ANYTHING will help..I’m completely desperate at this point.