Please any insights??


Hi Everyone,

I am around the 7-8 weeks and have been lightly bleeding for the past 2.5 is bright red and very minimal cramps or pain. It did actually stop 2 days ago and then started again with some slight cramping but then the cramping went away again....The first hcg bloodwork I got, my doctor said that my levels were rising but not at where they’d like it to be but they said it might be too early and we’ll wait a week for an ultrasound but it looks like an abnormal pregnancy due to the bleeding....ultrasound appt was last Friday and they said they didn’t see anything and they were feeling less optimistic and they think my body is trying to have a miscarriage but to rule all things out she wanted me to do another hcg check...

I’m just wondering has anyone gone through something like this and it is a miscarriage? I just haven’t heard of anyone bleeding this long...especially with it being light and little to no pain?

I’m just really hoping for the best because it’s our first pregnancy🙈