Should I Start Taking Anxiety Meds for PTSD? Please Help


So I’m currently 35+1, i used to take depression medication around a year ago, I was on pretty much the highest dose and I just didn’t like how numb they made me feel so I discontinued it. I was always diagnosed with major depressive disorder and so I always thought that was my biggest problem. Well, now, it seems as though my anxiety is my biggest issue. I don’t know if it recently started or if I’ve always had it, but I find that I’m always worrying about something, usually irrationally. I definitely think the majority of it is attributed to some traumatic events from several months ago, as intrusive memories usually keep me up at night for a while. I know my pregnancy hormones are probably adding to it, but I can’t seem to not be on edge, or waiting for something bad to happen. I really don’t know what to do. I want to go on anxiety meds IF they would help, but I’m also afraid of that “numb feeling,” and since the majority of my anxiety is caused by post-traumatic stress, I don’t think it’s possible for medication to solve that emotional trauma and that I have to get over it on my own. Obviously I’ll talk to my doctor, but I want to hear some opinions please. Did anxiety medication help any of you with PTSD?