Feeling really disgusted with myself😖

JA`s Mommy👶💙

So its been a few months since ive been trying to lose weight. Im 23 years old n im weighing 145-149lbs. In my life i have never weighed this much.I use to weigh 135 and i was in love with my body that was 1 1/2 yr ago. I hardly ever eat junk food or greasy food ( ok maybe once a week ill have a cheat day) but i haven't seen drastic results. And regarding exercise, i was running at the park during my vacation time but im back to work n school full time so makes it hard. I would work out at home but me n my fiance r living in a small apartment, which i feel uncomfortable working out on front if him. Im starting to hate my body and its coming to a point that cant even be half naked w my fiance :(

I would really LOVE to lose weight from my arms, legs n lose those love handles ( as i call them:)). Any suggestions or maybe a encouraging buddy would love one!

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