Labial tear still torn after stitches have


Hi everyone

I had my baby 2 weeks ago and had to have labia stitches due to tearing.

Over the last few days I noticed thst they felt healed and super comfortable and today plucked up the courage to take a peek at them while in the shower.... however when I looked down there I noticed that where one had torn (more or less in half) and been stitched.... the two pieces had not healed back together and still remained separated!?!?!?!

I am really up set about this... the other one has healed really well...but on this side it now looks like I have 2 labia above each other! Not cool! It looms and feels super weird!


Has anyone had similar?

Can it be repaired??

Am I better off addressing now or late? Don't really want to let my other half anywhere near it when finally given the all that's making me feel super down too.

Any advice would be great.
