So confused and scared

Mercedes • Mom to Silas 9-21-20 💙 one 👼🏻 in the sky 2/8/19.

January 22nd I got my first positive test, the lines seemed to get darker and everything seemed fine. Well, my ob/gyn couldn’t get me an appointment till February 20th, and going by my last period that would have put me at 11 weeks then if I had ovulated on time. So I got an appointment with this free clinic near me. Yesterday I went in for an ultrasound, she finally found a sac she measured at 4 weeks after telling me I may have a tilted uterus (also would like to point out that she wasn’t a complete professional and she was pressing the wand in me so hard during the transvaginal ultrasound, it was the most uncomfortable thing, even my pelvic exam hadn’t been that uncomfortable (other than when they remove the thing)). Well today I had some bad cramping but nothing worse than period cramping, but then, I went to the bathroom to see if that would relieve some of the cramping (and actually it did help a little, I haven’t had much cramping since), but wiped and turned around to see this:

So I immediately freak out, call my boyfriend, and then my grandma after calling the doctors and then the gyno and then being told to just go to the ER. So we go there, they draw my blood, do a pelvic exam, test my urine, and do ultrasounds. They didn’t expect to see much on the ultrasound because my HCG was only 101.2, but he said my cervix and vaginal walls all look good and my cervix is closed, and that there was no signs of more clots and only a little blood on my cervix. So at this point he said since everything looked good but my HCG was way lower than what they expected, it could be one of three things: 1) because my periods are irregular do to PCOS, I may only be 2 weeks pregnant (which I don’t see how is really possible but I’m not a doctor), 2) could be threatened miscarriage, or 3) it could be an ectopic. I’m to go back in 2 days to get more blood work done to see how my levels are doing to figure out which of the three it is. Has anyone else ever experienced this? How was your outcome? Currently I’m just preparing myself for the worse but praying for the best.