First Time User of Plan B-Opinions and Experiences wanted


I took plan b about 30 hours or so after unprotected sex (unprotected sex on January 20th, took plan b around 8am on the 21st). I was supposed to ovulate on January 23rd. Did not experience any side effects from plan b during that week. Thursday, January 31st I started to get very sore breasts, bi-polar like mood swings, waves of nausea and that continued until Sunday, Feb 3rd. I had some mild cramping from Saturday-Sunday, but it felt like normal cramps before my period starts. I took a pregnancy test two days before my expected period just for peace of mind and it did come up negative. I was supposed to start Feb 5th, but but had white pink-ish spotting late yesterday evening, but no blood. I ended up starting my period today (Feb 6) and I usually have moderate cramps the first day of my period, but the ones I have here are from fucking hell. Two extra strength Tylenol couldn’t mask the pain. I don’t know if this is normal especially after taking plan b, but I don’t feel like it is. My side effects were delayed. My flow isn’t really heavier/lighter than normal. I just feel an immense amount of pain and pressure in from cramps in my stomach and lower back pain. I’ve googled and googled and haven’t found very many people who are experiencing what I am experiencing so if there’s anyone else who’s a small percentage of the population and this pill made them feel like death please tell me!!!