Hey mommies


😰 I don’t know where to start.. I lost my little angel 3 weeks ago born at 21 and 3 days.. I had a little baby boy there really was no medical reason they could rule out why I’m high risk because i always end up

delivering early but this time was just to early.. I went in for a little bleeding they said I was 3 cm dilated and the next day my water broke at the hospital... I begged them to do anything they could, my son fought so hard.. but his lungs just were not developed enough so after all the fighting his soul left his body and the doctor brings me over my lifeless child I held in the arms and I screamed! I left out this cry I never experienced it was a cry that was filled with sadness, frustration, guilt, just complete heart ache.. I blame myself for my sons death even though I know it’s not my fault .. I did everything a good mommy should do but I guess things happen 😭😭.. I want advice from mommy’s that been threw child lost.. like

-what helped you get threw your days

-when did you try to have another child after the one u lost

- is it wrong to even think about having another one?
