I regret this

Jezika • Mama to #1 baby boy born 08/01/2021💙

So I made a spam acc (which has been taken down thanks to my dad) but anyway.. On that acc I posted.. Nudes basically.. I'm 16 and a half years old so I know it's illegal but I did it anyway... I never responded to the messaged I received about it from dirty pedos and stuff like that but anyway.. My dad found out and told me to delete it.. Only I didn't.. A few days past and he came into my room and told me that a student from my school messaged him saying they were concerned about me and I had one day to delete it otherwise I'd have my phone taken off me and id be in A LOT of trouble.. So I did because I didn't want to get into more trouble than I already was in.. So during second period (which BTW was the class I deleted the acc in) my deputy came into the room to just check on a random class and crap and then came over to me and said to go see her at the beginning of thrid period after lunch.. And that exactly what I did... I then found out that a concerned PARENT had called up the school about my acc because apparently I was offering to give out "free blow job's" and "trying to lose my virginity" and because the photos I posted were illegal I had to school see my school health nurse who told me that I need to be safe and that I should at least keep that stuff on a private acc because it was public... After that I had to go see my school based police officer.. She told me that it was illegal and if I still had those photos on my phone that to make sure no one could see them and to not send them to anyone.. I was also told that if the 3 boys I had sent nudes to in the last 3 years still had the photos I had to make sure they were deleted off theirs phones otherwise them and I could get into a lot of trouble because 2 are under 16 and I'm under 18...

The photos on that acc were screenshot and are being spread around my grade and people are taking about me behind my back and it hurts so much and I don't know what to do.. I feel so sad and heavy and I wanna cry but I can't and I just don't know what to do.. I hate myself so much and I regret it so badly but there literally nothing I can do about it now and it sucks to goddamn much...