Update: baby not moving


So I went in last night to get checked since my baby hasn’t been moving and of course when I got there and got hooked up to the monitors she did have some movements but now that I’m home I havnt felt her at all again 😣 I don’t want to waste their time or anything going back to get checked but my baby is normally SUPER active like non stop moving this isn’t like her at all. I’ve tried to drink sugary drinks, lay in my side, eat cold things like ice and ice cream, I’ve even tried to eat sour gummy worms because those are her favorite but still nothing.

Also, last night I think some fluid leaked, I got checked a few days ago and I’m 2cm and 75% effaced. My shorts and underwear were damp and had a sweet smell to it, definitely wasn’t pee. I just went pee and when I wiped a bunch of yellow/clear sticky discharge came out.