People need to learn how to treat pregnant women!😒

S • mama to a babygirl 💗 expecting baby #2 in May 💞

I am so sick of snide little comments about a woman’s changing body during pregnancy. DO NOT MAKE COMMENTS ABOUT THE CHANGES A WOMAN’s BODY GOES THROUGH WHEN SHE IS PREGNANT. IF SHE DOESNT BRING IT UP, SHE DOES NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. And I cannot stress this enough.

I really hate when people try to guess how far along I am, because I look much further along than I am. People say things like “you must be due in a few weeks” Nope. Sorry to disappoint, I’m in the second trimester🙄 I also have a friend who is 28 weeks pregnant but is hardly showing at all. People have said things like “When are you due? Oh? Really, that soon? You look like you’re hardly pregnant” and it makes her feel like crap because she hates how tiny she is for being in the 3rd trimester.

Just recently my ankles started swelling really bad and I have been really insecure about it and the other day some girl said, “dang, those are the fattest ankle I’ve ever seen in my life!”

There’s a saying that says if you’re having a girl, you get acne and oily skin because daughter’s steal their mother’s beauty. Just the other day somebody said “Wow, I can really tell you’re having a girl because you’ve got a lot of acne!”

I have been trying really hard to eat healthy this pregnancy because my pre-pregnancy weight was already high and I’m trying to gain under 15 pounds, per my doctor’s recommendation. (Doing good so far, only gained 6 pounds and I’m 25 weeks!) But every once in a while, I treat myself to a snack, which there is nothing wrong with. So the other day I was eating a serving size bag of Lays potato chips and my teacher (I’m a senior in high school) yes my TEACHER had the nerve to say “You probably shouldn’t be eating that, that’s not healthy for the baby.” And today, that same teacher made a comment about how the jacket I was wearing “looked way to small” and that I “shouldn’t be wearing it during my pregnancy. Later someone also asked if my jacket was new and I said “no I just don’t wear it a lot” and she said “probably cause it’s way too small for you, huh?” Mind you I have been VERY self conscious and insecure about my size during pregnancy, as I look further than I am and it’s hard to find clothes that fit. These comments were so upsetting I left school (missing out on my education) and drove to wal mart to get a T-shirt to wear for the rest of the day.

Being pregnant in high school is extremely difficult. People stare and whisper and want to be in your business about everything having to do with being pregnant at 18 years old because it “seems cool.” But being pregnant in high school is SO much harder with all of the comments people make. And I know it’s not just pregnant teenagers who hear these comments, because people DON’T know how to talk to pregnant women, regardless of their age.

Seriously, why can’t people just say positive things? WHY do people have to comment on the changes in a woman’s body during her pregnancy? It’s offensive, insulting, and it brings out a million and one insecurities.