Think husband is cheating. Update, replied to comments

I was going through the dirty clothes and I happened to see that my husband had a lot of white marks on the front of his underwear so I looked on the inside as well and he has a lot more in there. Upon closer inspection I saw a few light colored short hairs that look like pubic hairs, his pubic hair is long and dark brownish black. An I know for a fact that their not mine because 1. We haven’t had sex in a few days.

2. I’m on my period.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had this feeling that he’s fucking around on me.

When I ask him he obviously says he’s not cheating but I don’t know what else to think.

Ash- yes we do, we have a cat but their not her fur I made sure of that before I posted this.

🌸 well obviously no, but when you fuck someone their loose pubes can transfer onto you while you are fucking. It’s happened before with my husband and myself. I find his pubes on my panties all the time after. An NO their not mine.

Barb-That’s the thing every time I’ve ever brought up my concerns about him possibly cheating he’s never gotten mad or defensive. And I’ve brought it up more than once. To the point that I asked him if he was going to go and do it because I keep asking.

Toysonthefloor- girl I love your name acutely describes my floor currently lol.

Yes girl we are going to have to investigate further because it’s very suspect.

Ashley- yes that would explain the white stains but not the pubes that are light when his are dark. An I shave mine so their not mine. An mine are dark as well.

Megan- I’m with ya girl on that thought.

Alicia I only looked at them because there is white stains all over them that look like cum stains. And as I stated he ain’t fucking me because I’m on my period. So yes I’m looking at my husbands underwear when it looks like that.

And I never accused him of anything thank you very much