Need help

Hey girls. I just want some advices that helps me clarified my thoughts so here it goes... I like this guy so much that we had some great moments together, he even presented me to his family and the most shocking part is that his family said to me that I'm the first girl that he brings at his home and they were so surprised and excited because he finally did it. (We ain't a couple yet but his family think we are)

We had our moments of sex nights, we even slept together and we say how much we love each other...

One day, he comes to my home because he wanted to talk, so I agree. And my heart just broke at that moment when he said that he doesn't know what he wants and he just only wants a friendship ONLY FOR NOW because he has a lot of college work... But he doesn't want me to stop talking to him and he sometimes wants to see me...

What should I do? Should I get away from him for good ? Idk 😞