From exclusive pumping to Breastfeeding


My son is 5.5 months old and he was pretty good at BF right away, but I started pumping a few days in so my husband could help with nighttime feedings and bond and stuff.

Son did really well going back and forth from breast to bottle for a while!

AND THEN. We had 4 solid weeks of sickness in my house. Son was sick, then I got bronchitis, then husband got sick. I just pumped and did bottles the whole time because breastfeeding was too exhausting for me.

Now he won’t take my boob. He just screams and arches his back. Which I get, bottles are easier, blah blah blah.

I’ve watched videos on getting back to BF but it’s hard when I’m not a stay at home mom, so when I’m at work and when husband is doing dream feeds, he’s still gonna get a bottle.

Any advice from mommas who have successfully gone from exclusive pumping to breastfeeding, especially this late in the game?