Birth Story


This is a little late but I'd still like to share it!

On Monday, January 14th @ 9 a.m. we went in to be induced to have our little girl😁

After getting to the hospital and getting settled in, they tried starting my blood draws and IV's. Three failed blood draws and 2 blown IV's later they called in an anesthesiologist to use an ultrasound machine to find my vein and were able to place my IV.

We started the pitocin at about 10:30a.m. and within the hour had the contractions going. At this point I had decided to go without an epidural. As they increased the pitocin, my contractions kept getting worse (as expected) and my hubby was amazing through it all💕

By 11:00p.m. I had had enough. I was so fucking annoyed by my contractions (I was having one hard contraction every minute and a half) and while it was painful, even then it was tolerable, but just so damn annoying to not have a break between them. We called for the epidural and had them break my water to speed up my labor. By 2 a.m. my epidural shifted and we had to have it fixed. Three hours later it shifted again but after having it fixed we found out I'm finally 100% effaced and 9.5cm dilated😁

My doctor's told me they would come back in another 30 minutes to check me again...but 15 minutes later I was ready to push!

After pushing for about 20 minutes we finally had our little girl in our arms!😍💕

Adaline Rowan was born at 5:22am on January 15th. She weighed 8lbs 14oz and is absolutely beautiful!!

After spending 4 days in the hospital, we finally got to go home!

After being home for a few weeks, we are doing so well and baby Adaline is growing like a weed!

I understand that not every birth story is as easy going as mine, but I still wanted to share it. My mom, best friend and hubby were supportive and wonderful! My nurses were fantastic and my doctors were amazing! I got lucky to have such a smooth birth with my daughter, but I am so thankful that I had the experience!

I wish all you momma's safe pregnancies and labor. I am also sending positive vibes and baby dust to everyone trying!!