Significant other appreciation!

C 💕

Just wanna do a significant other appreciation post.

My boyfriend asked last night if i cared if he went to hang out with some friends. I told him i was perfectly fine with it. Our son was sick for like two weeks and before he was sick my boyfriend and i had been sick on and off so its been awhile since either of us had a night out.

He guessed hed be home around midnight, i passed out at 11:30ish lol. He got home around 1:30 and had to leave as soon as he got up this morning to do snow removal since we had surprise snow.

While he was out he stopped at the store and got dinner stuff, a new bulb for my headlight that he noticed was out yesterday, couple things for baby and got me 3 bouquets of roses. White, pink and red. (My vase broke a couple months back so i had to use my giant tea jar to fit them in lol)

He said he wanted to thank me for letting him go out without being angry at him and to show me how much he appreciates everything i do for him and our son.

He fixed my head light and said hes going to give me a backrub tonight when we lay down.

I know its not a huge gesture but i love when he does little things.

I find fixing my headlight and bringing me flowers more romantic than a candlelit dinner tbh lol.

I don't know what his ex's did that makes him feel like he needs to thank me this much for a night out even 5 years into the relationship, but its nice to know he appreciates me.

(He always does something for me after a night out. Breakfast in bed, flowers, tons of snacks, massage, foot rubs, watching romcoms with me, playing my favorite game, etc. I always tell him its not necessary but then show the same appreciation when i have a night/day out without him)