Workplace Romance? Help!

I haven’t posted on here in years, but I could really use some talking to! I have a huge crush on my boss. And where I work, relationships between coworkers is fine. When I first started, a little over a year ago, I couldn’t stand this man lol. But then I heard a rumor that he liked me, and things started clicking. He’d invite other people to hang out after work, but it was potentially mainly to hang out with me. I was new so I assumed not. But we’d always hang around after work talking. And still do. Now it’s been a year, and we know each other fairly well. I can tell he treats me differently than other employees, and has for a while. He makes exceptions for me, and told me that if I ever need help, I can ask him for it (I work in a very fast-paced job and he has his own station to attend to. He’s supposed to be watching over that whole area, and my station I do completely by myself) which is a big deal because he’s the only one who’s willing to. He’ll go out of his way to touch me, whether it’s placing his hand on my back when saying hello, poking my side, or gently yanking my hair when walking by because it has to be tied back. He’s went out of his way to sit with me plenty of times, and he always goes a little far into my personal space, but I do the same. We joke and cut up in ways that most people would find inappropriate or offensive, and he likes to tell me tmi things lol. But after that dang rumor, I suddenly can’t help but think about him. And it was almost a year ago! And that was when he was only one step higher up than me on the workplace food chain, and now he’s at the top of the chain and I can’t help but feel like that changes things. He’s super flirty, but other times ignores me. I just keep getting mixed signals. And the problem is that I can’t just talk to him about it!😩 he’s also a little older, and I’m at an age where that could potentially matter, but not as much.