Here is what happened

Here is what happened... I went to hospital at 10 am on 9/28..Bec i felt hot water in my underwear.. And some got on bed.. Then i called dr he said go to hospital check if ur water broke .. I go to hospital.. And the check w q tip saying its not my water and i am 1 cm open and my cervix is thick . She told me i can put something to make my cervix thiner and i can be easier to dilate.. That thing stays for 12 hours then if it dint work.. She told me i can go home.. She put it.. I feel this cramps and pains i can handle .. Then it got harder.. I was dying it was like until 4 pm im in bad pain.. She checks me and now i am 3.00 cm open.. She was shocked she was like woow this thing really worked on u.. Then i asked for epdiural pain was not easy.. Here comes the guy for it.. Tells me bend like a letter c and dont move.. It was hard.. But he said 10 min u wont feel anything and he was going to do c section.. So he gave it to me and went to do c section... I started getting bad contraction with cesears like very bad shaking.. Like the bed was rocking bec i was shaking n jumping on it..  I stayed like that for like maybe 4 hours .. In very bad contractions and shaking very bad.. He came back and give me epidural again in different spot.. Then felt better for like 10 min.. Contraction got harder.. So from 3 cm i opend to 5 cm on my own contraction there were every 1 and 2 min.. Then it slowed down they gave me betosen.. Put it on intensity of 2 .. Then i had contraction every 2 min to 3 min.. Slowed down.. Then they increased the betosen to 10 i opend to 5 to 6 .. After a lot of hours .. They kept increasing until i reached 7 cm .. Then like a lot of hours later 8 then finally 9.5 cm.. Then she check said i have posterior cervix and its thick if i push it might rip it.. So dr said fine try to push.. That was on second day like around 12 pm on 8/29.. So i pushed for like an hour.. They turned offf the epidural.. And i started pushing.. I did really good pushes the lady said i have 3 more pushes and baby will be out.. She said touched his head.. And my cousin said i see head of baby.. Yah good job pushh.. Then bec i was in contraction to days i was doing really hard pushes .. My body and baby body was staring to heat up.. And dr recommended to do c section .. I was gona cry.. I told her can we just try one more time.. I did and baby heart rate going down.. They took me to c section room w nothing .. Still was the worst contraction and the guy for epirdural changed to a very rude man...he dint give enough drugs.. I was feeling contractions still.. Then all dr and him went to do another c section.. I wait like another 2 hours w nothing but pain.. Then they came finally.. I was swollen down there and everywhere.. So they talked softly.. Like something was wrong..when they put that thing in the pepe area i screamed my lung out.. Which not suppose to bec .. I wS not suppose to feel anything i was shaking like i have cesear and i can feel everything.. Its crazy then i had jason 9/29   At 3:00 pm.. Then when i was out of room.. Dr said take her to rest for 30 min then she can see baby..,  but imAgine only ice ships for 2 days w contraction for 2 days then i end up doing c section.. They found that baby umblical cord was rapped around his neck twice so thats why could not be out naturally.. And his face was facing up and looking to right side.. So thank God i did c section or i could of lost him trying to push him out