I started having contractions at 3pm they were strong and about 10 mins apart this went on for 4 hou...

I started having contractions at 3pm they were strong and about 10 mins apart this went on for 4 hours. I was about to lay down for the night when they suddenly were 3 mins apart. I told my panicked husband to pack his bag we needed to go. On the way there they were worse. At the hospital they were 1 mn apart and baby went tachy with a hr of 216. I wasn't dilated at all. They were concerned because of her hr and the contraction pattern. The thought was I was having placental abruption. They took me for my repeat c section within mins. It was scary I had 5 nurse in my room 2 doctors who all took me to the or. She was born 10 mins later at 9:49. Perfectly healthy 6.8 lbs and 18 inches. Apgars of 8 and 9. The ob doesn't know why I was contracting like I was everything looked good for me too. I had to get some meds to control bleeding and I vomited all over the it floor tho 😕 I'm recovering now and feeling great. Layla Mae has eaten 4 times already and still eating a wonderful breastfeeder. I'm beyond happy and can't wait to take her home 🎉🎉 I was 37 and 1 day