Needing encouragement please

Kaitlin • Married 4-21-18 32yo TTC #1 PCOS

Hey everyone!!

So I have a pretty horrible anxiety disorder that has been clinically diagnosed. I am trying to get pregnant with my first and the stress has been excruciating! One of my biggest concerns is that I am to fat to ovulate because I read one article one time and my brain has pinpointed on it. I had been on birth control since I was in college and much smaller and since coming off in September my periods have been irregular and I’m afraid that’s my fault because I got so fat😰 I’m currently my biggest at 306 but I’m starting a new diet and walking and yoga routine but I’m very hard on myself thinking I’ve ruined my chances. I’m just looking for some encouragement if any women out there know how weight affects ovulation or what weight you were when you get pregnant.. anything would be helpful thank you!